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Review of Rationals (Ch 11)

Some topics will have pencasts related to them, these will be links to the actual pencast on the Livescribe website.

11.1 11.2 11.3 11.4 11.5 11.6 11.7 11.8

11.1 Rational Expressions and Functions: Multiplying and Dividing

Key points:

11.2 Adding and Subtracting Rational Expressions

Key points:

11.3 Complex Rational Expressions

Key points:

11.4 Division of Polynomials

Key points:

  • divide a polynomial by a monomial
  • divide a polynomial by a polynomial containing more than one term - using long division

11.5 Synthetic Division and The Remainder Theorem

Key points:

11.6 Rational Equations

Key points:

  • solve rational equations
  • solve problems involving rational functions that model applied situations

11.7 Formulas and Applications of Rational Equations

Key points:

  • Solve a formula with a rational expression for a variable
  • solve business problems involving average cost
  • solve problems involving motion EX 1, EX 2, EX 3, EX 4
  • solve problems involving work

11.8 Modeling Using Variation- not on the test

Key points:








Sue Glascoe | Math Instructor - MCC Math Dept | Office: MC 162 | Phone: 520.302.4783 | email: