Review of Exponentials and Logarithms
(Ch 14)
Some topics will have pencasts related to them, these will be links to the actual pencast on the Livescribe website.
14.1 Exponential Functions
Key points: *you must know how to use your calculator!
- evaluate exponential functions
- graph exponential functions EX 1
- evaluate functions with base e
- use compound interest formulas EX 1
14.2 Composite and Inverse Functions
Key points:
14.3 Logarithmic Functions
Key points:
- change from logarithmic to exponential form EX 1
- change from exponential to logarithmic form EX 1
- evaluate logarithms EX 1
- use basic logarithmic properties
- graph logarithmic functions EX 1
- find the domain of a logarithmic function EX 1
- use common logarithms EX 1
- use natural logarithms EX 1
- *logs are the inverse of exponentials: EX 1, EX 2
14.4 Properties of Logarithms
Key points:
- expand logarithmic expressions EX 1
- condense logarithmic expressions EX 1
- use the change-of-base property EX 1
14.5 Exponential and Logarithmic Equations
Key points:
- solve exponential equations EX1, EX2
- solve logarithmic equations EX1, EX2, EX3, EX4, EX5
- solve applied problems involving exponential and logarithmic equations EX1, EX2
14.6 Exponential Growth and Decay; Modeling Data
Key points:
- model exponential growth and decay EX1, EX2